We guarantee the spectacularity of your scene while protecting our professionals.
We make it real. We make it safe.
Action design
From the first stages in production till the end. We’re fully involved in your project, achieving real and safe action, preserving the director’s essence

Action design
From the first stages in production till the end. We’re fully involved in your project, achieving real and safe action, preserving the director’s essence

Set safety
We apply the highest quality and safety standards established by law in our line of work, and always under the supervision of the Department of Occupational Hazards.
We guarantee the safety of our professionals without downplaying the spectacular nature of the final result.
We guarantee the safety of our professionals without downplaying the spectacular nature of the final result.
Flight systems
We only work with the most modern and functional flight and levitation systems.
This way we can achieve effects that are both safe and believable.
This way we can achieve effects that are both safe and believable.

Flight systems
We only work with the most modern and functional flight and levitation systems.
This way we can achieve effects that are both safe and believable.
This way we can achieve effects that are both safe and believable.

War horses
We work with the most recognized horse masters for cinema and television at a national and international level. Movies like Troy, War Horse or the Last Samurai speak for us.
Scenes with vehicles
We have precision drivers and specialists in rollovers and collisions.

Scenes with vehicles
We have precision drivers and specialists in rollovers and collisions.

Aerial scenes
We have undertaken several helicopter jobs, in both civilian and military capacities.
Fire scenes
We count with the best equipment to carry out this type of actions.

Fire scenes
We count with the best equipment to carry out this type of actions.

Water scenes
We are qualified in the management and coordination of scenes in aquatic and underwater environments.
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